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- FGIA Releases New Glass Safety Standard
July 12, 2022
FGIA Releases New Glass Safety Standard

The Fenestration and Glazing Industry Alliance (FGIA) has released a new specification providing a framework for creating a safety program within a glass manufacturing facility. IGMA TM-5000-22, Do’s and Don’ts of Glass Safety, seeks to provide a framework for an insulating glass manufacturer to use as the basis for a specific program geared to the unique requirements of each facility. The outline provided within it is directed toward those areas in the manufacturing area to be inspected, assessed for hazards and mitigated. This new document is now available for purchase.
“The task group’s goal was to develop a manual covering basic plant safety highlighting safety hazards, risk and appropriate controls, including recommended personal protection equipment for each operational function of the plant that could be posted in the area of responsibility for glass safety that any business could apply to help protect their team members,” said Mike Troutman (MI Windows and Doors), Chair of the FGIA Do’s and Don'ts of Glass Safety Task Group. “These Do’s and Don’ts were based off the varied learnings, experience and practices by members of the task team to avoid injuries within our industry.”
Per the document, all areas involved in the manufacturing of insulating glass units must be assessed for safety hazards. Once assessed, each area needs detailed safety procedures written to provide uniformity in the process between individual operators and work shifts. All operators then need to be trained in these practices and use them as a matter of routine to carry out their job functions.
IGMA TM-5000-22, as well as other IGMA documents available from FGIA, may be purchased from the online store at the discounted member rate of $125 or the non-member price of $250.
For more information about FGIA and its activities, visit FGIAonline.org.
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