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- FGIA FENBC Region Delivers on Technical Content, Expertise
November 29, 2024
FGIA FENBC Region Delivers on Technical Content, Expertise

Technical content led the way throughout the November 6 in-person FGIA FENBC Region Summit in Surrey, BC, with presenters exploring the latest trends in the fenestration industry. Professionals active in the FENBC Region engaged with industry leaders, connected with colleagues and customers who share the same interests and challenges, and heard the latest on regionally specific topics they care about most. Read on for coverage of the event.
HPCN Window and Door Installer Program with presenter Jovan Cheema (Home Performance Stakeholder Council)
Those producing fenestration products have long known that quality installation is a critical component of achieving designed performance. The Home Performance Stakeholder Council (HPSC) highlighted the Home Performance Contractor Network (HPCN), a comprehensive database of qualified contractors in BC, including window and door installers, who meet specific training, accreditation and quality assurance standards. Membership in the HPCN is mandatory for participation in many major provincial energy efficiency rebate programs. The presentation also covered the criteria for window and door installers under the HPCN, provided a registration overview and reviewed the capacity-building initiatives since 2021.
The Future of Commercial Glazing with presenter Jonathan Tow (RDH)
The future of commercial glazing will demand stronger and more robust glazing assemblies as they are continually called upon to resist environmental loads in an ever-changing climatic landscape. This session covered upcoming code changes relating to increased wind and seismic loads on the façade and how these can affect the design of glazing systems. The session also touched on some of the latest architectural trends in commercial glazing and how advancements in glazing technology over the past few decades have assisted in meeting the latest requirements.
WorkSafeBC: New Changes and Updates with presenters Mike Paine and Stephen Symon (WorkSafeBC)
Those in BC know it’s important to keep up with current legislation and requirements for job sites. This session shared new regulations for flush toilets on specified construction projects that came into effect October 1, 2024. The objective is to ensure the provision of clean, well-maintained flush toilets on construction projects where 25 or more workers will be present during the project. The session provided information and guidance to employers in understanding the legal requirements under the new legislation.
Strategies, Best Practices and Risk Mitigation on Construction Contracts (CCDC/CCA) with presenter Katy Fairley (Fairley Strategies)
In a session targeted for the commercial glazing contractors in attendance, Fairley offered an exploration of risk management within the landscape of construction contracts, with an emphasis on the often-overlooked world of Supplementary Conditions (SCs) in standard contracts such as the Canadian Construction Documents Committee (CCDC) and the Canadian Construction Association (CCA) 1. The presentation shared best practices for the use and application of supplementary conditions. It also broke down new key clauses that have a big impact.
NAFS and Part 5 of the BCBC, Explained with presenter Anton Van Dyk (JRS Engineering)
Currently, building officials are advising manufacturers who fail a Part 9 inspection when a product is missing NAFS labels that a Part 5 NAFS letter is all that is needed to meet the requirements. These, unfortunately, do not exist for the full scope of the NAFS standard. This session focused on aligning building officials’ expectations with what manufacturers need to do to demonstrate compliance when they choose the Part 5 path on a Part 9 single family home. It also covered how to use Part 5 of the BC Building Codes (BCBC) for fenestration compliance.
Code Talkers Panel with Panelists Dave Goldsmith (Ply Gem Canada), FENBC Region President Jason Loutet, Neil Norris (RDH Building Science)
During this panel of FGIA FENBC Region members and industry experts, panelists discussed residential and commercial topics affecting western Canada’s building envelope industry. Updates included an overview of the BCBC 2024 update summary for Part 3, alignment with 2025 Vancouver Building Bylaw changes and new CleanBC incentive programs for strata buildings. Panelists also reviewed NAFS testing requirements, how it’s referenced in code, manufacturer expectations and third-party certifier limitations.
If you missed out, be sure to attend the next in-person FGIA FENBC Region Summit this spring. As that date gets closer, check out new event sponsorship opportunities to promote your company to the next level!
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