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Staff always spends much time preparing for conferences, but we pulled out all the stops for the inaugural FGIA Annual Conference in February, making sure it was a productive and fun event for all. From receptions and lunches outdoors overlooking the Atlantic Ocean to our Annual Awards Banquet and beach party with sandcastle team building and volleyball. No detail was overlooked to make the event as interactive and engaging as possible for those ready to network.

I want to congratulate and thank the entire FGIA staff team for making this inaugural conference a great success. Lots of great feedback was received about how things went and how things might be improved in the future.

Some members made a point of expressing their gratitude for the array of both fenestration and glass-focused topics at the event, showing the importance of appealing to our now broader membership as FGIA. A shorter, more streamlined awards banquet format was agreeable to many who participated. We were so happy to celebrate the contributions of our amazing members during this event, while allowing more time to engage with peers. As always, many people praised the food at meals. FGIA always makes sure to pick sites that provide excellent and extensive options!

Ice breakers, one of which took place during Opening General Session, were meant to introduce conference participants who might not always see each other in committee and task group meetings but could still benefit from becoming professional contacts. The OGS ice breaker was especially exciting, since it created a social media competition conducted in real time!

The next conference will be June 22-25 in Chicago. Watch for registration details for the 2020 Summer Conference in April.

If you attended the inaugural FGIA Annual Conference, please make sure to complete the survey emailed to you. If you didn't get an email, you can access the survey here.